Monday, June 11, 2012

Android Tools

Android Tools
Emulator –
-          Virtual Device
-          Can develop test and debug apps
-          Allows to run simultaneous apps
ADT – Android Development Tools
-          Plugin for eclipse integrated development environment
-          Increases speed and efficiency for developing android apps.
-          Allows the apps to access DDMS tool from eclipse.
-          Gives the wizard for basic new project creation.
DDMS – Dalvik Debug Monitor Service
-          Works with the emulator or the mobile device
-          Gives the information about the virtual devices and physical devices.
-          Thread and Heap tab for easy display.
-          Screen capture
-          Exploring the files
-          Causes Garbage collection
-          Running Log cat
ADB – Android Debug Bridge
-          Three core components
o   Client
o   Server
o   Daemon – A computer program that runs in the background like a thread. Don’t have user control.
-          Used to manage  the state of an emulator or a device.
-          Used to install any application directly from  PC to mobile or emulator
-          To manage SQLite DB.
AAPT – Android Asset Packaging Tool
-          Used to package the .apk file
-          Developers can use it directly to view , create and update  .zip, .jar and .apk files.
AIDL – Android Interface Description Language
-          Used for Inter process communication.
-          Interface based. Saves developers time.
-          Allows to access the SQLite data files created and used by android apps
-          Provides a graphical viewer for execution logs saved by your app
-          Helps you to create a disk image that you can use with the emulator
-          Converts .class files to Android byte code.
-          Creates basic files that the developer needs, when the developer not using Eclipse.
Hierarchy Viewer
-          Gives the user interface to the projects and emulator


Required SWs
JDK 1.5 or higher
                Eclipse 3.5 or higher
                ADT Plugin for Eclipse
                Android SDK.
                Install JDK and set path up to bin in to environment variables.
                Extract Eclipse and open eclipse.exe file.
                Then  helpàinstall new SW à give path to ADT pluginàthen install ADT plugin.
                Install Android SDK installer file. Then select the files and install.
                Then go to Windowsà preferencesàAndroidà give path of Android SDK, up to the root folder of tools folder.
                Then go to Windowsà Android SDK and AVD managerà Virtual Devicesà Create a new Virtual Device.

Now the Set up is completed.

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